Tuesday 30 March 2010

Abundance is Everywhere

I recently had an opportunity to take a 31-day trip touring the United States. It was amazing! It was such a unique vacation. My wife and I took our 3 children out of school and left it all behind. One of the most interesting things we did was take a large stack of $2 bills. To each bill we attached a small note that said: “It’s been said that finding a $2 bill brings good luck. Here’s to you having a great day!” We then proceeded to drop them all over the place, at gas stations, hotel lobbies, theme parks, and museums. We would watch in stealth as the person picked it up, read the note, and got a smile on their faces. It was so much fun! What we observed was very interesting, and I would like to share it with you.

Would You Pick Up the $2 Bill?

The interesting thing about it was how often people resisted the money. There were three common results. Most of the time people would walk right over it. Sometimes even stepping on the $2 bill and not noticing it. On average it took 3-4 people to walk over it for it to get picked up. Many times people would even see it and not bother to bend down and get it! It was shocking! Why not? A very interesting question. Sometimes people would pick it up read the note and try to find who it belonged to, someone else who deserved it more than them.

What is Your Initial Reaction to Opportunity?

How often do we walk over money and not even notice it? How many times a day are there opportunities that we don’t even notice because we are not paying attention? This is one of the ways that abundance shows up when we finally decide to tap into it. It’s not that all of a sudden there is more abundance in the world, it is just that we notice it more.

How often do we see an opportunity and not even bother to bend down and pick it up? Is it really that hard to pluck low hanging fruit? Will it really take so much out of our day that we will no longer get to where we are going? Even if we don’t get where we are going sometimes isn’t that a good thing? I am guessing that one of the roadblocks to “picking up the $2 bill” is “What will people think, who will judge me for seeking abundance, there must be a catch…” We all get to choose to either have abundance in our lives or let what others think determine our actions.

Be One of the Few Who is Willing To Do What it Takes

Lastly how often do we find an opportunity and push it away. Do we sometimes feel that we don’t deserve it, that it must be meant for someone else, that we are not important enough to have everything we want in life? The truth is this: Wealth and abundance comes to those who are willing to do what it takes to get it. Be one of those who is willing to do what it takes. Tap in to the abundance that is everywhere, and notice the abundance of opportunities. When you do notice the opportunities don’t be afraid to take a little risk and bend down and pick it up. When you find abundance big or small thank god for your blessings and use it. You deserve it, you are worth it, it was put there for you to enjoy it.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

What are some good books and personal growth in order to establish the books?

I just need some good books self improvement and books on goal.

Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

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