Sunday 28 March 2010

Ever Made an Excuse For Your Excuses?

I know for a fact that every one of us has. Some make more excuses than others, but at one point or another we all are guilty of making excuses of some kind. What becomes even funnier or amusing is when we make excuses for our excuses, or in other words, justifications for us justifying the reasons why we can not accomplish certain things. We have all heard many excuses of different kinds. Why we are fat, or why we are not making more money or why we are not where you want to be in life. Excuses are just imaginary road blocks which we place in front of ourselves.

“I am Fat” one might say, the excuse could be “no time to exercise” and our excuse, or justification, for not exercising, could be,”because I work too much”…. or “I have kids”…. or “My favorite TV show is on at that time”. All of these might be legitimate excuses, especially if you do have to spend hours at a job and/or have children to raise and take care of. However at the end of the day they are still just excuses why you can not achieve a desired outcome. There are so many ways for someone with a busy schedule and raising children to lose weight, there are several. If the desire is there then there is always a way.

Another excuse that one person might make is not having enough money. Reasons could be many. No Job, they were recently down sized, right sized, or super sized. If you were a Realtor or mortgage broker 5-6 years ago and have had a staggering decline in income then the excuse might be “no one is buying homes right now.” The excuse made to justify why no one is buying homes might be because “the economy is down.” The economy being down is the reason why no one is buying homes and is the reason why you aren’t making money.

lets take a look at the above example. You want to make more money (GOAL) but you can not because no one is buying houses right now (EXCUSE). The reason no one is buying homes right now is because the economy is down (Excuse to justify the 1st Excuse). The point of this article is not to teach how to make more money or how to lose weight, but rather to show a pattern that many people display.

If you have a goal, a desired outcome, then do all you can to achieve it. One of the reasons many people do not reach there goals (in life, business, relationship, etc…)and allow excuses to rob them of that gift is the following. THEIR MOTIVE WASN’T STRONG ENOUGH. It is that simple. lack of determination and lack of motive will always leave the door wide open for procrastination and a long list of excuses. If your WHY is big enough then the HOW wont matter.

If you found out that you were a walking heart attack waiting to happen what MIGHT be your motivating factor???? Perhaps living longer, or not wanting to leave your children without a parent. Those are just motives and will keep you going when the going gets tough, but without a motivating factor or reason then excuses will almost always be present.

I heard a man say once “If you only WANT to make something happen you will do what is CONVENIENT. If you are COMMITTED to making something happen you will do WHATEVER it takes.” That is the great difference between people who are where they want to be in life and from those who aren’t. They make less excuses. They still make them from time to time because of human nature, but they make less of them, and NEVER make excuses when it comes to the important things.

We are well into this year of 2010. Think about the goals that were placed on the 1st of Jan. If you are on track to achieving them then congratulations! If you are not then WHY? There can be several legitimate reasons, like a death in the family or a very ill family member, those are legitimate reasons in my book. However, from my observations, what I have noticed is that most reasons for not doing something we know we should be doing are just excuses to try to prove to one’s self why they are not achieving what they initially set out to do. Making excuses robs us of opportunities of progression, making excuses for our excuses will eventually rob us of self worth and self esteem.

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