Monday 29 March 2010

Love and Appreciate Others

I wonder how often we stop and appreciate the people in our lives. Do we look beyond all the stuff that comes with friendships and relationships to the point that we love and appreciate the folk God has placed in our lives?

We have to remember that we are in other folks lives too; along with all our issues and mess. So when we start complaining about the folk in our lives and what they do to us; we have to remember it goes both ways. There is always going to be somebody that just rubs you the wrong way. There is going to be someone that just doesn’t like you; for whatever reason. I have seen jealousy turn people inside out. That insecurity in their life that caused them to be jealous of everybody around them was controlling their every relationship. There will be people in your life that seem to always treat you wrong; for what may appear to be no reason. We may not know the reason, but in their mind there is a plain, easy to see reason.

The way to diffuse this situation is to appreciate and love everyone in our life. Do not take the negative words, actions or thoughts personal. Agreed, it is easier said than done, but when we practice appreciation and love every day, it does become easier and easier. Start by looking at the world from their perspective; there is a reason they see things they way they do. There is possibly a hurt, a disappointment, a rejection that is causing their way of behavior. Look past the outward stuff and look on the inside; this will give you a new perspective and appreciation for them. Not saying we should feel sorry for folk; we all got issues and stuff, but to have an understanding, an appreciation, and love for others. The way to get past all the defensive and offensive stuff they throw at us is to appreciate and love them. Just remember there is someone that is doing the same for us.

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