Sunday 28 March 2010

What Affirmations Can Do For Your Life

Affirmations are positive statements we say to ourselves. It is the expression of self talk we have with ourselves. We can change our lives using affirmations. Start using them to see the difference.

We are always talking to ourselves in our minds. It is filled with positive words when we are in a good mood and with negative words when we are in a negative mood. We can changer our mindset with
repeating affirmations.

All of us want to make changes in our health, wealth and the way we feel about ourselves. We wish for good health, abundant wealth and confidence while we interact with the world with high self esteem and self confidence. All this can be achieved using affirmations consciously and diligently.

You can improve your health….

Repeating affirmations of good health while visualizing it will help you feel energetic and enthusiastic.
For example affirming ‘I am full of energy and enthusiasm’ will definitely make you feel better as you are expressing a statement in the present tense which makes it a reality. You can use different
affirmations to affirm your health according to how you want to feel!

You can improve your wealth….

You can enhance your wealth and wealth building skills by affirming in the positive like this affirmation ‘The riches of the world comes to me effortlessly’. The action of affirming and visualizing that you have access to all riches in the world will give you the confidence to go with confidence to make your

You can improve your self esteem….

Self esteem is what you feel about your self and when you feel good about yourself you can protect yourself from the negativity that knocks at you. Repeating affirmations like ‘I radiate love and respect and in return I get love and respect’ helps you build your relationships. When you feel loved you feel an increase in your self worth and self esteem.

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