Monday 26 April 2010

Affirmations - Just Keep Hammering Them Through

You’ve been saying your affirmations over and over for days – maybe even weeks – but you just don’t feel like things are happening for you. This is normal. It’s also the point that many people give up. They stop saying their affirmations, dismissing affirmations as something that “doesn’t really work.” Is that really true?

It’s not true. Affirmations and mindset changes really do work. It can take some time, however.

Think about all the beliefs that you hold now. Sit back sometime and “watch” your thoughts. “Watch” the way you react to things that happen in your life. Are your thoughts negative? Do you react to things by getting upset, angry, “giving up,” or blaming others? Do you get easily stressed out?

This is a pretty typical way to react to situations in your life – many people do the same. And you’ve probably spent years of your life developing your attitude and reactions. You’ve practiced your negative thoughts over and over, every day, for years (maybe even decades).

Don’t expect huge changes to happen overnight – but you can expect results to start coming quickly and increase exponentially as your mindset changes.

Go back to what I said above – you’ve been “practicing” negative thoughts and attitudes over and over – for years. Those processes are hammered in to your mind. It’s going to take some hammering to change those and replace them with new, positive thoughts.

Imagine a small boy with a hammer, a nail, and a piece of wood. Little boys are not the most skillful craftsmen you can find. But a little boy with a hammer and a nail is very enthusiastic. He will put the nail up and swing the hammer down, just as he has seen Daddy do. He will probably miss the first few times. The nail will scatter away and he’ll have to get up and run after it. He may even hammer his finger a time or two and take a break while the tears subside. But eventually, he will get it. He’ll get the tip started in the wood. He’ll keep hammering and hammering, and finally that nail will be driven down into the wood. In fact, he’ll probably keep hammering so hard there won’t be any hope of ever getting that nail out again!

You can and should use this same process with your affirmations. If you keep hammering them, eventually they’re going to stick. They’ll go down deep in your mind and become part of you. As they become part of you, you’ll find that you automatically begin to react how you want to. You’ll think how you want to. You’ll act how you want to. And once your thoughts, words, and actions are congruent with who you want to be, you’ll attract the life you want to have. You will achieve your goals and see your dreams coming true.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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