Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Innovator or Creator, A Definition - Innovation Styles No 1

Every innovator is different, and each as a preference for a particular style of innovation. There are at least four of these preference styles, and most innovation people will normally be aligned to one, or at the most two of them. The key thing about this is that you need to have an instance of all four innovation preference styles if you want to minimize the chance an idea will fail.

The first major innovation preference style is the Innovator-Creator. We all know these kinds of people – they’re the ones who dream up exciting ideas in a constant stream. Their talent is in seeing the inspiration in their surroundings and turning it into fresh new concepts that no-one else has thought of. The innovator Creator, quite literally, sees money growing on trees.

Innovator-Creators are exciting to be around, because they’re always upbeat and positive. They are the kind of individuals who always come up with out of the box thinking that challenges everyone in their organization. However, they can often be distracting, because even if they’re part way through a big problem, they are just as likely to start over because they’ve “thought of a better way” than finish what they’ve started.

This is the major flaw in the Innovator-Creator: they are usually terrible at implementation and execution.

These are people who might be fantastic at thinking new things up, but asking them to complete what they’ve started always ends up in tears. This happens even if they’re given sufficient resources to delegate the operational aspects of what they set out to achieve. They are characterized by extremely short attention spans and very low boredom thresholds. They’d much rather be dreaming up something new to do than completing what they’ve already started.

The lack of developed implementation skill is the main disadvantage of the Innovator-Creator, but they are also somewhat myopic when it comes to seeing the potential downside in any of their ideas. Because they find the process of creating unique new concepts to exciting, they will prefer to ignore any evidence that suggests their big new thing isn’t very good. Unfortunately for them, this means they will often start things which are eye-opening stupid, and they then wonder why their new things have exploded in their faces.

The characteristic that defines the Innovator-Creator which is always consistent is a love of ideas new, no matter whether they have much relevance to a particular problem or not. If you were looking for an innovator that deserves the label “cowboy”, then here is the group that deserves it.

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