Friday 23 April 2010

Overcoming Negative Thoughts

For us to succeed in life, we must overcome all the negatives in our life. Negative thoughts hinders us from taking the first step as we pursue our dreams thus making us fail in everything we are doing. We can be able to overcome all the negative thoughts in our lives. We should not allow negative thoughts to dominate our mind.

One way of overcoming negative thoughts is by thinking positively always. If you put a drop of blue color in water, the water will turn blue. When you add more water, the solution will start becoming clear without any color. It will reach a point where you will realize that you cannot detect whether that solution had any color. The same case applies to our thought life. If we allow positive thoughts to dominate our minds always, negative thoughts will start disappearing. We can make a firm decision to always dwell on positive thoughts.

Another way of overcoming this habit is by associating with the right kind of people. Associate with people you want to be like. The Bible says that bad company corrupts good morals. Prolonged association with negative thinkers makes us think negatively always. Always associate with positive people. I know many people who have started thinking negatively just because they associated with the wrong kind of people.

We must also learn to see the positive side of every event if we are to overcome negative thoughts. When we are facing any problem, we should not focus too much on the problem rather we should see the positive side of it. We should count the blessings that have been bestowed unto us rather than focusing on the problem. We should not be problem oriented rather we should be solution oriented.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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