Monday 26 April 2010

Comparing Yourself - What Will You Gain?

Do you compare yourself to others? Have you thought, he/she is more educated, has more money, bigger house, more expensive car, clothes and vacations? What do your comparison thoughts create for you? Do you feel less than, because others have more than you? Do you feel inferior because others have more than you? Do you think those who have more than you are judging you in some fashion?

Or have you compared yourself to others who have less than you? What does your comparison thoughts create for you? Do you feel better, because you have more than others? Do you feel smug that you have created a lifestyle or more wealth than others? Do you keep those who have less than you at arms length?

Both of these comparing forms and the associated feelings are toxic to your well being. An ancient philosophy simply says, ‘Comparison is the death of joy.’ You are here to compare the difference between how you are being and becoming and being who you truly are in the light with God.

Today is the perfect day to practice being who you truly are. I am the best I can be today. Today is your personal best. “Je suis plus qu’hier et moins que demain.” – French Proverb. [I am more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.]

Be grateful for what you have. Remember comparison is the death of joy.
Stand and sit a little taller. Imagine your head being lifted by an invisible beam of light. When you act confident, you will feel more confident.
Do something new. Achieve things that will boost your self-confidence.
Stop worrying. Live, knowing that it is your choice to be happy or sad.
Maintain good health. Exercise regularly. Maintain a healthy food plan
Know you are worth the effort to be the best you can be.
Value yourself. People only treat you as well as you treat yourself.
Face your fears. Fear is false evidence appearing real. – i.e. The sky is falling.

Create your personal best all ways always.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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