Monday 19 April 2010

The Sinking of an Emotional Titanic

Recently I attended an NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming) seminar held by Gillian Draleau and Sally Sacks in Westford, MA. I have been to their courses before and have thoroughly enjoyed what I’ve learned.

I first heard about NLP 20+ years ago through Peter Leffkowitz, a trainer in the staffing industry who claimed to be a “pro” at it. I’ve since come to learn that his statement was a gross exaggeration. That said, I will give credit where credit is due….Peter did introduce me to the term,”NLP!”

We went through several exercises the night of the seminar and there were many keys I learned to help release emotional pain caused by past situations. We learned an emotional comparison to how the Titanic sunk when it hit a piece of ice. The ice at the top of of the water where the Titanic hit, was only a fraction of the mammoth burg that lay below the water. Such is our emotional state. I can be walking along and here comes what appears to be a minor surface problem, but bubbling deep deep below that surface is my own “burg” of mammoth dimension that I haven’t seen….or dealt with in my 50 years. Subsequently, my ship, my “Titanic” if you will, sinks at what seems to be a minor glitch in my path.

I find that particular analogy intriguing and as I deal with situations in my life that have been so painful, I am beginning to understand that there is an iceberg that is hidden deeply beneath the surface in my mind, soul and spirit. It’s why I get caught off guard. I wonder too, if part of the reason that I wasn’t particularly successful in my relationships with a man for the past 30 years was because there were icebergs that I didn’t/couldn’t see and successfully maneuver around them.

The great thing about being 50 (the new “40″ I am told!) is that I can begin to face all this “stuff” and not be so afraid of it. It’s easier to accept myself with all my shortcomings….for you see, I’m not the only one with shortcomings. I just might be one of the few willing to face, admit and talk about them! I know for a fact that I have to deal with these icebergs in my path in order to achieve the financial freedom via Network Marketing as well as the personal growth that I am seeking. Perhaps there are icebergs in your life that are causing you to stumble along your path. I welcome you to join me on this journey to financial and emotional freedom.

Feel free to call me with questions….I look forward to hearing your thoughts and your progress. 978-836-6263. Whether you are 18 or 88, we’re all on the same journey here on earth! I wish you great prosperity today!

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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