Monday 19 April 2010

Self-Sustained Intentional Communities - The Wave of the Future

The idea of being in a self-sustained community is not new. Many of them are springing up all over the country now. The idea of an intentional self-sustained community is new. Groups of New Age thinkers are gathering like-minded people together to form these new communities in preparation for 2012. It is interesting to see that so many prophecies of doom are all coming together on the same date and history shows that planet-wide disasters have occurred a few times before.

The difference with the intentional part is that the people coming together are of like level, not necessarily that they think alike. The level of metaphysical practice is more what is involved in these groups. Some are at a level where group meditation brings information for the group that they then apply to community needs. Others are at a high enough level to actually move the entire community into a higher dimension.

Sounds like science fiction, but it’s true. Actually, it is science also, but of the cutting edge quantum physics type. There have been people throughout humanity’s history who have performed ‘miracles’, from healing to apports (items appearing out of the air). This is not the work of the Devil, so relax. This is actually science and once you know the laws of physics that allow that, it can happen.

The problem is that most of us have no clue how to do such things and the ones who perform such feats come by it naturally-so can’t tell us how they do it. The key to having a community of like abilities is apparently hinged on the Ego-or rather, the lack thereof. With less Ego interference a higher vibrational frequency that can be attained. With a higher the frequency, the less visible to third dimensional eyes a person or community would be.

When one considers what the purpose might be of gathering individuals of the same abilities together, it makes sense that there is truly something remarkable that will happen on December 21, 2012. Some might be catastrophic planetary disasters, some might be transferring to higher dimensions of Earth, and some might be the retrieval of Extra-terrestrials. No one really knows. Then again, life might just go on as it has been, like what happened after Y2K as we moved into the new millennium.

Whatever happens, these self-sustained intentional communities will be in a world of their own. By gathering people of like abilities and levels of Consciousness, amazing things are sure to happen. The envelope of human abilities will definitely be pushed into the further reaches of possibility. Imagine how unwarlike a community would be if all they had to do to avoid conflict is to intend higher and move the community into such a higher vibratory state that the warlike creatures could not see them? How about those with intense Nature connections that could command food to grow instantly? How about if needed items appeared where they are needed? Poof-a fully furnished, comfortable house suddenly appears next to a beautiful stream.

If that all sounds too much like a fairy-tale that’s your clue that you will not be among those experiencing such things. Life is truly stranger than fiction and all we need to make those things real is to learn to control our minds. Start by opening the mind to the possibilities that abound. When you finally ‘grok’ it that just because you don’t see something that others do doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist…it just means that you don’t see it.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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