Monday 19 April 2010

Self Help to Time Management

We all wish that there was 36 hours in a day and 9 days a week, but there isn’t, as simple as that. Even if there were, a great many of us would be running around liker headless chickens trying to get everything done. It all boils down to being able to organize better the time that we have available, and also knowing when to say no! Organization and prioritization will have a profound and positive effect on your life, and greatly lower your stress levels too. Read the following tips and hints, none of them are difficult to implement, and your life will improve greatly.

Mismanaging your time can affect from morning ’til night, and then carries on into the next day and the next day until you are simply overwhelmed.. We all like to think of ourselves as super beings who can take on anything, but we simply aren’t. We need to be realistic about our capabilities and be honest about it. You many think that your boss will be impressed with the amount of work you are taking, but how impressed will he be when he finds you sobbing in the corner as you simply can’t cope? When you are asked to take on something new and you know you have so much backed up that you can’t do it, tell them that you appreciate, but you have so much other work on that you aren’t confident that you will be able to complete it to your usual high standards.

Prioritizing is another key factor in managing your time effectively. This is especially important as many relationships and marriages have broken down due to work taking priority over home. If you make arrangements to go to your kids play or parents evening, work around it. Keep a close eye on what you are taking on in the weeks leading up to it to ensure that you don’t let down the people who matter most. Someone else can do that project, but your kid will always remember that you let them down.

Time needs to be managed at home and not just in the workplace. Unless you are completely scatterbrained, you should have no problems organizing your time. If it helps, make a list of things that need to be done the night before, and put them in order of importance. Start with phone calls that need to be made, then everything else. Get onto them as soon as you get up. Don’t keep putting them off until you have watched something on TV, or have checked in with your friends on Face book etc. Leaving what needs to be done until the last minute is the most common reason for nothing getting done and the excuses starting! Time management isn’t rocket science, it is pure common sense. When things aren’t getting done, you start panicking and stressing out, and rushing things so that they don’t get done properly. Then you have to start again, whereas a little organization will get everything done both quickly and competently.

Improve Low Self Esteem Confidence Self Improvement

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