Tuesday 27 April 2010

How to Stop Anxiety and Worry and Start Living!

Take a deep breath and let go… Let go of all the stuff you’re worrying about.

Easier said than done really, isn’t it? Most of us were raised to worry!


Do you have a worry button that when switched on, is very, very hard to switch off?

When this button is switched on, the mind fills with uncontrollable thoughts and scenarios, and the body, reacts with a range of uncomfortable and often painful emotions and physical ailments.

Let me ask you a question. If you had nothing to worry about, how would your life be and, how would you feel?

Would it be less complicated? Would you be happier? Would you be more motivated? Would you have more time? Would you feel lighter? Would you be pain free? Would you be healthier?

We have many life situations which cause us to worry, such as a loved one who has been seriously injured in an accident. When we worry, it sets the bodies ‘flight or fight’ in motion. The brain releases stress hormones into the blood stream such as adrenaline and cortisol and gives us the rev we need to deal with the situation.

However there are many life situations we needlessly worry about. We press the worry button to on, when we re-visit past events, or, when we probe into the future to try and manipulate upcoming events. We try and solve old issues and we try and fix things before they even happen!

We can worry about the kids, our partner, our parents and the family pet! We can worry about whether we are good enough, skinny enough, tall enough, rich enough. We can worry about paying the bills, fitting all of our commitments into a day or even, the block of chocolate we ate two days ago. We have so many things in our life which cause us to press our worry button to on, and keep it switched on!

Being in this state eventually takes its toll on our decisions, actions and ultimately our physical body. When our body is constantly flooded with stress hormones, our immune system becomes suppressed. The inside of our arteries become damaged, which can end in a heart attack or stroke. There are simply no benefits from needless worry.

Research has shown that trying to suppress thoughts can only make you think the thought more. If you try to suppress a thought hard enough, that thought can become an obsession.

Here are 5 ways to help you stop anxiety and worry-

Awareness- Become more aware and vigilant with your thoughts. Check in to them regularly throughout your day, write down what annoys you and when, then rate this reaction on a scale of one to ten. You will become aware of what triggers your ‘flight or fight’ sending nasty chemicals throughout your body, locking your muscles and creating tension and pain. Then ask yourself, ‘What if this happens?” What is the worst scenario? Keep peeling back the layers with this question until you come to the very core of your concern.

Affirm- Take the power out of the thought which is creating the worry by affirming the opposite. If you don’t think you can cope with a challenge, because you think you’re or incapable, or, you feel too vulnerable a simple statement affirmed out loudly and repeated such as ‘I can do it’, will empower you and give you the strength needed to accomplish the task. If you worry about your kids, and you have no control over the situation- A simple statement to stop the negativity from thrashing around in your mind is – ‘I am a good parent’ -Remember there are good values you have instilled in your children which will carry them through rough times, and there are experiences in which they have to endure to learn, and grow from.

Meditation is for your mind what exercise and healthy food is for your body. It’s important to take ‘time out’ to release your worries and quiet your mind. Often it can be difficult when you are feeling anxious and worried to meditate or to still those worrying thoughts that hammer away. A good quality guided meditation CD can help you do this. When you listen to someone guiding you to relax and let go of your thoughts you will reverse the symptoms of anxiety and worry and very quickly feel back in control.

If you have trouble sleeping at night because of anxiety and worry, place a CD player next to your bed with a meditation CD in it. It is important to have this set up before you go to sleep, as it makes the task much simpler when you are tired and fumbling around in the middle of the night. When you wake, all you have to do is roll over and press the on button. A good quality Meditation CD with a professional who gently guides you into deep relaxation and a peaceful place will have you relaxed, calm and back into a blissful sleep in no time. You can also download a meditation CD onto your iPod and use it wherever and whenever you choose.

Mental stimulation- Replace worry with new, invigorating, and stimulating thoughts- Take up a new hobby, learn a new skill, practice crosswords or word games

Look for the Positive- If there is something in your past you keep focusing on, instead of looking at the negative, look for anything positive that came from it, and focus on it. If you look deep enough you will always find some positives. If there is something right now or in the future you are focused on, seek out the positive. Seeking professional advice is also advisable and beneficial. Speaking to a professional can help you see things from a different perspective and can help you relieve you of fear and guilt often find solutions.

“If you keep the telephone of your mind open to happy, joy, passion and abundance. Then, whenever guilt, fear or anger try to call you, they will keep getting a busy signal – and soon they’ll forget your number.”

Don’t allow anxiety and worry to rule your life, implement these simple strategies and be happy, fulfilled and healthy, so you can live the life of your dreams.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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