Friday 23 April 2010

How to Build Self Esteem

How To Build Self Esteem

When you have a low self esteem, it affects all areas of your life. Having a low self esteem affects how you perform at your job, how you treat and interact with others, and how you treat yourself. People with low self esteem often:

  • Act immaturely.

  • Berate or criticize themselves and others.
  • Have very little patience with others.
  • Take things personally.
  • Do not make direct eye contact.
  • Worry about other’s opinions of themselves and looking bad.
  • Engage in addictive, self-destructive behaviors.
  • The way you feel about yourself determines the amount of happiness that you let into your life. Integrate the following techniques and changes into your life to begin to improve how you feel about yourself on a regular basis and build self esteem.

    1. Train your brain. Have self-discipline of the mind. When you start to think bad things about yourself, change your thoughts. Your feelings are a direct reflection of your thoughts. Have a good thought about yourself stored as your default to pull out when you start thinking badly.

    2. Act like the person you want to become. Know someone who always seems happy and generally pleasant to be around? Do you wish you could handle a problem like they do, or be as well liked as them? Modeling is the best way to change behavior. Act like that person to become more like that person.

    3. Be more than ‘OK’. When asked how you are doing, instead of answering OK, or fine, or even ‘not good’, answer with ‘great’, ‘well’, or ‘never better’.

    4. Document your good qualities. Make a list of things you like about yourself using “I am” or “I have”. Read this list every morning as soon as you wake up, and every night before you go to bed for 30 days.

    5. Be helpful to someone. Part of how we feel about ourselves has to do with the connection we feel with others. When you help others, you strengthen that connection. Hold the door for an elderly person, help a mom with her arms full, or take your neighbor’s garbage cans back.

    6. Let yourself say ‘No’. Learn to say know to things are do not build self esteem and things that go against who you are. Put your personal needs before the needs of others.

    7. Stop regretting your past. If we only knew then, what we know now. Be more kind and compassionate towards the choices you made in the past. Start to believe that you made the best decision at the time with the information that you had and it will be easier to let go and move on.

    Improving self esteem can feel like a long, winding road. View the twists and turns as lessons learned with unique surprises uncovered about yourself and others along the way.

    Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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