Friday 23 April 2010

Happiness - The Pursuit to Happiness

Happiness is partially a state of mind. It is an experience replete with joy, pleasure and immense satisfaction. A person is said to be in a state of happiness if he/she experiences something good or hears something that elates his/her mood and lifts his/her sunken spirits. Various approaches that elucidate on happiness and try to identify the source from where one attains this stage.

The various perspectives are that of philosophical, psychological, biological and religious. People who lead a contented life and a good flourishing life are believed to be inebriated with happiness. This is the belief of religious thinkers and philosophers. Psychologists have used various theoretical models to describe happiness and put forth that it encompasses all that it is positive in life– Positive activities and positive emotions. According to their school of thought happiness can be described as being three different kinds– That of having utmost pleasure, being engaged in things that give immense satisfaction and being able to find valid reason and meaning in whatever endeavor one has taken up.

Positive psychologists have done considerable research on happiness and have categorized positive emotions further into emotions that relate to the past, to the present and to the future. Quite interestingly, the emotions that suggest a state of happiness when one thinks about the past experiences are that of contentment, tranquility, satisfaction and pride. The positive emotions that one experiences regarding the present time are that of gratification and pleasure. Gratification can be attained when one sticks to authenticity. Pleasure is attained through immediate momentary actions.

Many people opine that it is rather difficult to quantify happiness but this hindrance has been overcome to a certain extent with the help of certain tools developed by researchers like for instance, the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire which throws light on the levels of happiness that people experience. Moreover, man is a social animal and happiness is achieved when one is actively engaged in social networks. Hence, ultimately, whether it is a philosophical, psychological, religious or biological approaches that one looks into to find a valid explanation for happiness– Human relationships is what matters most and correlates most with happiness!

Things to remember in your pursuit to happiness:
1. Happiness is not 100% within our power. We cannot control all aspects of our life and some of our happiness levels are preset by genetics or our environment (50%), which means we can only control part of how we feel.

2. Happiness is partially within our control, so we can set up situations and experiences which will bring us happiness. Some aspects of happiness are in our control. Our thoughts control our feelings, so think positive and about things that make you feel happy.

3. Money and material objects have not been shown in studies to improve long-term feelings of happiness. Buying “stuff” may bring temporary feelings of happiness but does not appear to last.

4. Relationships are an integral factor in long-term happiness. Having family and friends that are supportive and that are there for you correlates high with feelings of happiness. Be committed to nurturing your relationships with people.

5. Focus on positive and happy memories and experiences. People who share their time together- Whether it be taking a hike or going out to dinner, report higher levels of happiness than those who buy material objects. Those experiences seem to make an imprint on our memories and make us feel happier in the long-term.

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