Tuesday 27 April 2010

Time Management - Getting Your Priorities Straight

Much of our modern society is getting faster paced with every passing year. We are all searching for ways to allow us to complete things that we need to accomplish in the quickest time possible so that we are able to have more time to have for ourselves. This may get all of us into difficulty if carrying out things quickly means that errors happen. When this happens we all commit more hours correcting errors. This may create a vicious cycle. There are times when we merely have to slow things down.

The most effective things that we could do to aid ourselves would be to become a lot more organized. Organization will help us manage our time far better. There are lots of advantages of time management. We are able to be more effective in addition to more efficient. When we are more efficient we help save time and expense. Some other advantages of time management include serving the company you work for cut costs. This results in a satisfied employer so when this reflects back to you, it might mean extra compensation in income or a day off.

I do believe most of us realize the advantages of time management, however applying the skills can be something new to all of us. I personally discovered that lists work well for me personally. When I make lists at the start of every day I discovered I’m much more likely to get the stuff completed that are necessary. My routine every morning is to jot down the things that I’d like to in addition need to achieve that day. I then focus on the list in order of what exactly is most critical to complete. As soon as this is done I look at any kind of related duties which can be done along with each other. As an example if I must meet with a co-worker on a different floor as well as deliver reports to a different division I will do this at the same time. By doing this I’m away from my desk for just one stretch of time hence reducing the amount of running around I have to do. I additionally do the maximum amount of correspondence at one time as you can to reduce how many trips to the printer, copier and mail room. Several trips uses up time. Furthermore I find when I am out and about away from my workplace I spend time greeting co-worker and performing other activities that can eat away at my time.

As soon as my list is created and prioritized I start out with the top item and begin working my way down. If I am on a limited schedule I limit the amount of interruptions by placing my phone calls through to voice mail to reply to later and also close my office door. What ever is not finished on my checklist by the conclusion of the day gets added to the list for the very next day. A few of these methods may seem rigid, nevertheless the advantages of this time management pay off by getting stuff done and creating more time by the end each week. Because I’ve been doing my work following these methods I find that i’m frequently able to leave earlier by the end of the week.

Self-Improvement Tips : How to Overcome Shyness

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