Sunday 18 April 2010

Success, Achievement, Goals and the Power of Mentors

Who do you turn to when the going gets tough? Woops, you’ve already possibly gone astray. The time to seek help isn’t when you are having a tough time, it’s long before that. Most people don’t take that into account. (Myself included, so I’m not on a high horse here.) If you are thinking about writing a book (for example) buying some fancy software isn’t the best first step. Talking to a successful author probably would be a good idea.

It’s about mentorship, and before you get the wrong idea, I’m probably not the mentor for you, unless my current path and your future path have alignment. Even then, does my path really match well with your goals? What I’m saying is, start with some basic research before jumping into anything. I’m a big fan of ready, fire, aim, but the first step is “ready.”

Get ready and then get off to a quick start with someone qualified guiding you. I’ll use the writing example again, just to give you an idea. I finished my first book and started shooting it off to publishers. I got many rejection letters, and then, finally, I talked to an established published author and got his inside scoop. The problem was, he was an author of poetry, and his path wasn’t the right one for me. Even after I submitted my manuscript to his publisher and was accepted, the look on his face told me that I should have talked to him about that first. I found out then he was switching publishers because of difficulties with them. Possibly a company that publishes too many varieties of work isn’t one that’s picky about what they print (on demand.)

So the proper mentor. For me and my fiction writing career, I am still on the lookout. For other aspects (online) I have found someone who has walked the path, and is making a living at it. For you, be excited and find someone who can help you along the way. It may be brief, some mentors are there to give you a moment, others give you years or maybe a lifetime. Don’t limit yourself, and take the time to find the right one.

Improve Low Self Esteem Confidence Self Improvement

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