Sunday 18 April 2010

Five Ways to Be Happier

I’m a pretty happy guy, most of the time. We all tend to have our ups and downs, yet sometimes that homeless guy smiling on the street corner will be happier than the multimillionaire working their fingers to the bone or perhaps bored, retired young, and miserable. Here are 5 ways to help ease the ups and downs and be happier throughout your life.

1) Smile. As stupid as it may sound to some of you, smiling makes you happier, People tend to smile back. Everyone is happier.

2) Celebrate the small successes of life. Big successes are made of small successes after all. Fell off you diet after 3 successful days, 3 days are better than none. Find something to celebrate everyday. Today I was given a free cup of coffee at the local store. The costs doesn’t matter to me, but it made my day!

3) Don’t stress out over small things. It’s so easy to have a bad start to your day because of something inconsequential that seemed wrong at the time. Although sometimes things go very wrong, don’t get upset over losing a parking spot, your newspaper getting wet, or a rainy day.

4) Remember that even if things seem bad, they’re always people who are worse off. Besides, they will probably get better. Just don’t stress, worry, or be upset over things which don’t matter much in the big picture of things.

5) Help others, Helping makes people happy. This can be formal, such as volunteering at a soup kitchen, being a big brother/big sister, or working at a food pantry. Or it can be informal, just lending a helpful hand to people whenever you can. Just holding the door open for someone carrying a package or a child is gratifying for you and them

We really control our level of happiness quite a bit. Just small things can greatly increase how happy you and those around you are.

Improve Low Self Esteem Confidence Self Improvement

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